Yes, that's one of the biggest struggles here, that they can't read the Book of Mormon and their lack of education makes it hard for them to understand what we are teaching. But it's kind of bitter sweet because that same lack of education and possessions has humbled them a lot. They are some of the kindest people I know. And people are almost always willing to hear our message or invite us in, you know? Well... except 7th Day Adventits. Aha. I had never really heard of that religion before I came here, but boy do they love to argue about doctrine that doesn't really matter. Aha. But anyways, Yeah... every person here is really so different, but that just makes missionary work that much better. (: It would really stink if I had to repeat the same thing over and over again and teach each lesson the same way a thousand times. Aha. But when you adjust your teaching or the way you share the restoration with each person according to how the Spirit directs, it's a lot more engaging and.. well it's fun. I'm definitely happiest when I'm out teaching, and we just had a really good restoration lesson. That's my favorite feeling in the world.
As far as investigators are doing, Kennedy and Germaine are doing good. He still hasn't quit smoking even though a few attempts have been made. They are still not married, but hopefully that can happen soon. We are continuing to work with them and help them understand the teachings. Patrice and her daughter Paqeen are also doing good. It's going to be a while before their house is built, so she is still living with a man. We still visit her from time to time. Natalie... did I tell you about Natalie? Anyways, she's a lday that we've taught a few times and she actually read the whole Book of Mormon, but a guy who lives in her house has said a few "choice words" to us... and told us to never come back. Pretty sad, but we'll probably have to drop her. We'll try to get a hold of her somehow and try and see what is going on.
Things have been going kind of slow, so Elder Miller and I decided to go find some new people! And we found some awesome people today. So, I'll let you know how that goes.
Well, I love you and thank you for everything.
Elder Chassse Mikesell